Swift Algorithm: Check if 2 Strings Contain the Same Characters

Efficiently verify if two strings contain the same characters

Arc Sosangyo
3 min readJun 3, 2024

This kind of algorithm can be used for password validation, text-based games, detecting duplicate entries in data, and string sanitization.

Create a function that takes two string parameters and returns true if they consist of the same characters, regardless of their order and case sensitivity.

Here’s a sample input and what should be its corresponding output:

  • “swift” and “swift” returns true.
  • “swift” and “tfiws” returns true.
  • “swift” and “iftws” returns true.
  • “swift programming” and “programming swift” returns true.
  • “swift” and “swift programming” returns false.
  • “Swift” and “swift” returns false.
  • “swift” and “iftwss” returns false.

Let’s break it down to simplify solving it:

  • The first step is to create two parameters to store the first and second strings.
  • Since we will be checking each character in a string, let’s transform both the first and second parameters into arrays.
  • By sorting both transformed…



Arc Sosangyo

Arc is an iOS Dev and app publisher, a former IT manager who transitioned to iOS engineering, and a big fan of AI, coding, science, history, and philosophy.